Legislature(2017 - 2018)SENATE FINANCE 532

04/07/2017 01:30 PM Senate FINANCE

Note: the audio and video recordings are distinct records and are obtained from different sources. As such there may be key differences between the two. The audio recordings are captured by our records offices as the official record of the meeting and will have more accurate timestamps. Use the icons to switch between them.

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* first hearing in first committee of referral
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
-- Postponed to 1:45 p.m. --
Heard & Held
Heard & Held
+ Bills Previously Heard/Scheduled: TELECONFERENCED
Moved SB 31 Out of Committee
SENATE BILL NO. 31                                                                                                            
     "An Act relating to  compensation, merit increases, and                                                                    
     pay increments for  certain public officials, officers,                                                                    
     and  employees  not  covered by  collective  bargaining                                                                    
     agreements; and providing for an effective date."                                                                          
1:53:09 PM                                                                                                                    
Vice-Chair Bishop MOVED to REPORT  SB 31 from committee with                                                                    
individual recommendations and accompanying fiscal notes.                                                                       
There being NO OBJECTION, it was so ordered.                                                                                    
SB   31   was   REPORTED   out   of   committee   with   "no                                                                    
recommendation" and with one  indeterminate fiscal note from                                                                    
the Legislature;  one zero fiscal  note from  the Department                                                                    
of Revenue;  and one fiscal  impact note from the  Office of                                                                    
the Governor.                                                                                                                   
1:53:18 PM                                                                                                                    
AT EASE                                                                                                                         
1:54:50 PM                                                                                                                    

Document Name Date/Time Subjects
HB 48 Sponsor Statement.pdf SFIN 4/7/2017 1:30:00 PM
HB 48
HB 48 Supporting Document Sunset Audit.pdf SFIN 4/7/2017 1:30:00 PM
HB 48
HB 48 Supporting Letters.pdf SFIN 4/7/2017 1:30:00 PM
HB 48
SB 50 Public Testimony Erickson.pdf SFIN 4/7/2017 1:30:00 PM
SB 50
SEN Finance_Studded Tire Presentation_07April2017_final_Amended.pdf SFIN 4/7/2017 1:30:00 PM
SB 50
SB 50 Northwest Tire Dealers Assoc. Letter.pdf SFIN 4/7/2017 1:30:00 PM
SB 50
SB 50 Support All 3-2017.pdf SFIN 4/7/2017 1:30:00 PM
SB 50
SB 50 Opposition All 3-2017.pdf SFIN 4/7/2017 1:30:00 PM
SB 50
SB 50 Tire Cost Comparison.pdf SFIN 4/7/2017 1:30:00 PM
SB 50
SB 50 Admin Responses.pdf SFIN 4/7/2017 1:30:00 PM
SB 50
SB 50 Statute References.pdf SFIN 4/7/2017 1:30:00 PM
SB 50
SB 50 Legal Opinion version J.pdf SFIN 4/7/2017 1:30:00 PM
SB 50
SB 50 Summary ISER study 2004.pdf SFIN 4/7/2017 1:30:00 PM
SB 50
SB 50 Summary Oregon Study 2000.pdf SFIN 4/7/2017 1:30:00 PM
SB 50
SB 50 Summary Washtington Study 2002.pdf SFIN 4/7/2017 1:30:00 PM
SB 50
SB 50 Summary Oregon Study 2014.pdf SFIN 4/7/2017 1:30:00 PM
SB 50
SB 50 Sectional Analysis ver J.pdf SFIN 4/7/2017 1:30:00 PM
SB 50
SB 50 Backup Document Craig Medred Article.pdf SFIN 4/7/2017 1:30:00 PM
SB 50
SB 50 Backup Document Randal O'Toole article.pdf SFIN 4/7/2017 1:30:00 PM
SB 50
SB 50 Backup Document Transportation Research Record Article by Brunette and Lundy.pdf SFIN 4/7/2017 1:30:00 PM
SB 50
SB 50 Sponsor Statement.pdf SFIN 4/7/2017 1:30:00 PM
SB 50
SB 50 Backup Document Alaska Infrastructure Report Card 2017 - Roads Section.pdf SFIN 4/7/2017 1:30:00 PM
SB 50
SB 50 Public Testimony Reiner.pdf SFIN 4/7/2017 1:30:00 PM
SB 50